On the snow: first level information 
Do you want to go snowshoeing?
Start reading the snow and weather bulletins at least 3/4 days before your trip and choose the safest route. If you are not sure how to interpret them, ask an expert to help you. If the bulletin indicates a grade 2 or 3 avalanche risk, take great care; if the risk rises to grade 4 or 5, cancel your trip.
Organise your trip beforehand, assess the technical difficulties and get information from the local mountain guides office.
If you will be on your own,always let someone know where you are going.
pendente e pericoloso.
Choose your companions carefully, assess their experience and fitness.
Prepare your backpack appropriately, always wear an avalanche transceiver (beacon or ARTVA) in the transmitting position and take a shovel and probe.
* Apparecchio per la Ricerca Travolti da VAlanga
Learn to evaluate a slope using your poles, at more than 25° (half the length of the pole) there is a risk of avalanches.
Always take a topographic map of the area and a compass.
Always set out very early and bear in mind that:
• your behaviour,
• fresh snow,
• wind,
• slope angle,
• rapid heating,
can all contribute to triggering an avalanche.
If an avalanche accident occurs:
• you have 18 minutes to effectively rescue the avalanche victim;
• you must call 118
• at the same time, implement the emergency rescue procedure with which you should be familiar.
Remember that if you trigger an avalanche, you may be charged with a criminal offence.
And this means a prison sentence.